
Important information about Lane Clark & Peacock LLP, LCP Delta and the use of our work

Third Party Privacy Notice

Important information about LCP

Lane Clark & Peacock LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC301436. LCP is a registered trademark in the UK and in the EU. All partners are members of Lane Clark & Peacock LLP. A list of members’ names is available for inspection at 95 Wigmore Street, London W1U 1DQ, the firm’s principal place of business and registered office. LCP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in respect of a range of investment business activities.

Important information about LCP Delta

LCP Delta is a trading name of Delta Energy & Environment Limited and Lane Clark & Peacock LLP. References to LCP Delta may mean Delta Energy & Environment Limited, or Lane Clark & Peacock LLP, or both, as the context requires.   LCP Delta is a registered trademark in the UK and in the EU.   

Delta Energy & Environment Limited is a company registered in Scotland with registered number SC259964 and with its registered office at Argyle House, Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DR, UK.    

If you have received an e-mail from LCP or LCP Delta

There is a significant risk posed by cyber fraud, specifically affecting email accounts, bank account details or confidential information. If you receive a suspicious or unexpected email from us, or purporting to have been sent on our behalf, please do not reply to the email, click on any links, open any attachments or comply with any instructions contained within it. Instead, please telephone your usual LCP or LCP Delta contact to verify the email. LCP and LCP Delta accept no responsibility for any losses arising from any transfer of funds or disclosure of confidential information.

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  • If you want to unsubscribe from receiving future emails please click here.

If you have received advice and/or information from LCP or LCP Delta

Please note that our work (whether sent to you by email, by letter, in presentation slides or otherwise) is only appropriate for the purposes described and should not be used for anything else. It is subject to any stated limitations (eg regarding accuracy or completeness). Unless otherwise stated, it is confidential and is for your sole use. You may not provide our work, in whole or in part, to anyone else without first obtaining our permission in writing. We accept no liability to anyone who is not our client.

If the purpose of our work is to assist you in supplying information to someone else and you acknowledge our assistance in your communication to that person, please also make it clear that we accept no liability towards them.