
Pensions de-risking
report 2021


Finding a safe landing

Wherever your scheme is on the journey to your long-term target, do you know how longevity de-risking fits into your flightpath?

As we look at a market where fewer than 30% of UK DB pension schemes over £1bn – and even fewer smaller schemes – have made their first moves towards de-risking, we predict a rising demand where volumes could total up to £650bn over the next decade.

Schemes should grasp the nettle when it comes to making their strategic decisions so that they don’t miss out in a busy market. Our report will provide you with market insights and practical steps to design a strategy tailored to where your scheme is on its journey, so that you can be sure to find a safe landing at your destination.

Watch our on-demand webinar where our authors share their priority actions for trustees and sponsors and market insights.

Read the report

What’s inside:

  • Setting a de-risking strategy: A five step flight plan to a successful, practical de-risking strategy
  • Hot topics for pension schemes: What future demand might look like, how small schemes are staying relevant, what insurers are doing to respond to climate change risk, the latest on DB superfunds, and more
  • Alternative de-risking tools schemes can consider, including a deep dive into longevity swaps and L&G’s Assured Payment Policy

Haven't decided what you're targeting yet?

Read our Chart your own course report, which will help you explore your long-term options and set a destination. You can navigate the issues facing your scheme today, as well as plan to overcome the risks of tomorrow. We step you through how to determine your long-term funding target, manage risks, consider covenant, develop your investment strategy, fund liabilities and focus on governance.

How we can help

We are market leaders at each stage of de-risking, including journey planning, investment strategy, transactional services and wind up.

We help you get your investment strategy right to ensure good member outcomes in your DB and DC schemes.

We work with you and your finance team to ensure that your ongoing statutory duties and compliance exercises are done quickly, efficiently and accurately.

We help pension scheme trustees and sponsors to determine the ultimate destination for their scheme and help them put together a plan to get there, including how to effectively manage the risks they face along the way.

We help trustees achieve their strategic goals, with solution-led, appropriate advice.