
Future demand
and supply in the buy-in and buy-out market 2022


Insurance enters a new phase – a skyrocketing market

DB pension schemes have seen enormous financial changes this year. Our report asks what these changes mean for schemes considering insuring their liabilities through a buy-in or buy-out.

We estimate that nearly 1 in 5 schemes are now fully funded on buy-out with an average funding improvement of c15% in the past year. Rising yields and improved insurer pricing have wiped off close to an astonishing £1 trillion from UK defined benefit pension scheme obligations.

For many schemes, the sheer rate of improvement in their buy-out funding level will be as unexpected as it is welcome, and they will have a range of new considerations to work through in this new phase for the buy-in and buy-out market.

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How we can help

We are market leaders at each stage of de-risking, including journey planning, investment strategy, transactional services and wind up.

We help you get your investment strategy right to ensure good member outcomes in your DB and DC schemes.

We work with you and your finance team to ensure that your ongoing statutory duties and compliance exercises are done quickly, efficiently and accurately.

We help pension scheme trustees and sponsors to determine the ultimate destination for their scheme and help them put together a plan to get there, including how to effectively manage the risks they face along the way.

We help trustees achieve their strategic goals, with solution-led, appropriate advice.