
Climate change:
A primer for investors


Climate change and the implications for investors

Climate-related risks and opportunities will affect every part of the economy. It is clear they will have material consequences for investors over both the shorter and longer term.

In this guide, we cover different types of climate impact, how they might affect the economy and financial markets, and some key initiatives that aim to address the financial impacts of climate change. It will help to build your understanding of climate change so that you can make informed investment decisions.

Please see our other publications or talk to your usual LCP contact to learn more about the practical actions that you might take.

Explore the report

How we can help

We help charities and endowments construct investment strategies and pick the right investment funds to both meet their financial objectives and be aligned with their missions.

Our team works with trustees and sponsors of pension schemes to help them maximise their investment returns, while ensuring risk is well managed.

We help employers and trustees design investment strategies that achieve better outcomes for members.

LCP Sonar, our dynamic risk profiling tool, helps you to identify and prioritise risk management in an integrated way, as well as showing you how you stack up against others.

Our investment team works with trustees of DB and DC schemes to set bespoke investment strategies and select fund managers. Using our market-leading technology, we help you navigate your journey by providing you with clear, actionable insights which enable you to make better short and long-term investment decisions.  

We help our clients understand and implement responsible investment principles.

We help clients identify, manage and monitor pensions risks in an integrated way.