
Contingent funding
- bridging the gap

Our viewpoint

Our report ‘A changing landscape - protecting shareholder value in the face of changing pensions regulation’ addressed the key challenge for corporate sponsors; how do we ensure members get their benefits without compromising shareholder value?

The regulatory direction of travel (the ongoing funding code consultation and the 2020 Annual Funding Statement) is putting more pressure on the use of corporate resources; and the Regulator has acknowledged this in its comments about the use of contingent assets.

Whilst our report expanded on this with several case studies showing how a range of different contingent assets can be used to comply with the requirements, this webinar takes a deeper dive.

This webinar is packed with practical tips and best practice focusing on how you can use contingent funding approaches to help you meet the new funding requirements whilst making most efficient use of company resources.

View on-demand by clicking here 

Contingent Funding Handbook: Emerging trends and market practice

Contingent Funding Handbook: Emerging trends and market practice


A great way for Trustees and Sponsors to protect member benefits as well as the shareholders and other creditors of the sponsoring employer.