Maithree Palipane

Maithree Palipane

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I’m Maithree and as a Consultant, I support LCP’s partners by producing bespoke investment advice for our UK DB pension scheme and charity clients.

I am heavily involved in investment manager research, focussing exclusively on high grade fixed income products such as absolute return, buy & maintain and liquidity funds. As part of this remit, I work closely with investment managers to develop customised investment solutions and products for use by our clients.

I’m also part of the team that produces the ESG Section of LCP’s Quarterly Investment Update. This helps our clients stay abreast of important developments in the ESG space.

Finally, I’m proud to sit on the committee of LCP’s multicultural network and help coordinate LCP’s recruitment efforts to promote and encourage diversity at LCP.

LCP have a practical way of looking at things and cut through the noise on essential issues.

LCP Client

We help you make important investment decisions, and make sure that your investments are performing as you need them to.

We help you get your investment strategy right to ensure good member outcomes in your DB and DC schemes.